Centriq Projects

The Stark Theme Parks Tech Ticket Tracker continues to build upon my previous IT Admin project presentation theme, and performs many tasks. All anonymous users are able to view open tickets. All logged in users are able to view active employees, all tickets, and create a support ticket. After the ticket is submitted, the Admin or a Tech Admin will assign it to a Tech Admin, while setting its priority and status. Admins and Tech Admins are able to edit a ticket's status and add tech notes as needed. Admins and HR Admins have the ability to create, edit, and delete departments. They are also able to create, edit, and deactivate employees. The project requirements are as follows:

Manage Departments: Views only available to Admin and HR Admin users Index view should show all departments CRUD functionality only available to Admin and HR Admin users Upon inserting or editing the department, they are taken to the index view with all departments

Manage Employees: Basic index view available to all logged in Users Index view set to only active employees for Users and Tech Admins CRUD functionality (w/ Soft Delete) only available to Admin and HR Admin users Upon inserting or editing the employee they are taken to the index view with all open employees

Support Tickets: Index view set to only “active” requests for Anonymous Users If logged in, can insert new request (CRUD functionality if Admin or Tech Admin) If logged in as an Adm or Tech Admin, able to access edit functionality in detail view Upon completing the new request (or clicking button to see Open requests) they are taken to the master view with all open requests All NEW requests will: Be in Open Status automatically. (No user activity/selection) Have a null resolved date Should NOT be able to see the Tech Notes field Allow for null tech id in the creation

View the The Stark Theme Parks Tech Support Tracker here.

Services Offered:


Trained in Visual Studio, C#.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, AJAX, LINQ, MVC, EF, SQL, SQL Server, SSMSE, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, jQueryUI, CSS3, Responsive/Mobile Web Development., JSON, Bootstrap.


Trained in Windows Server 2008/2012 & Windows OS client support and domain integration. DHCP, WINS, RRAS, IPSEC, TCP/IP, Computer Troubleshooting, Cabling, Cisco 2811 router, Cisco 2960 and 3550 switches, basics in Cisco IOS 12.4, RIPv2, EIGRP, OSPF, network tools including Wireshark, and network cabling.


Sound Engineer for various non for profits: Installs, Live Feeds, Multimedia, and Satellite Uplinks. Also very familiar with various music gear, including: guitars, basses, keyboards, and their peripherals.